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What if anything can I do to relieve my pain ?. Please read my story and any thoughts or advice are welcomed and appreciated. ?

Ok... many years ago when I worked construction I got a foreign body in my heel. To be specific a sliver of glazed ceramic tile. It went to deep for me to get and calloused or encapsulated. It wasnt a real bother at that time until about a year went by and it began to give me pain. I went to a Podiatrist who I had scrubbed with ( I'm a scrub tech) to get help. I told him my story and he did an in office procedure and really ignored the fact that I had a FB in my heel.He didnt see it until my post-op xray and then scheduled surgery at an outpatient center because of the depth of the tile in my heel. So 2 surgeries later and two podiatrists later and an expensive pair of orthotics later. I am in pain constantly. I have antalgic gait and the opposite knee and hamstring constantly ache. Its been about 5 yrs and I cannot seem to find any answers. I work full time as a surgical tech and thankfully am the medical records officer so I do get to sit sometime but scrubbing is difficult. It is progressively worsening and I see no solutions. I have insurance but cant afford to keep seeing doctors when I cant find answers other than everything I have tried. I constantly cut the callous that is dead center my left heel so I can walk a bit on that side. Its back n forth on my toes and right heel . All my muscles ache. I have a 3 level cervical fusion and my entire spine feels misaligned. From head to toe this absolutely sucks and any advice would be truly appreciated!!. I still manage but again this isnt where I expected to be at 47 yrs old. Thanks in advanced.

3570 day(s) ago

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Sorry, but I don't think I can help much.
The problem is a tricky one. It is surprising difficult to find a foreign body - it looks easy on a 2 dimensional x-ray, but when you get in to 3 dimensional tissue, you can't exactly go digging around for it without damaging the tissues. I suspect a lot of your current problem is from the scar tissue of that process.
The best I can suggest is that you get to a plastic surgeon to see what options you have for dealing with the scar tissue.

Posted 3569 days ago

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