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Amputation after Triple Arthrodesis ?


This is in the nature of an odd question, so please bear with me.

I have undergone a series of 4 surgeries over the last 2 years, Perennial Tendon Debridement, moving of my heel bone, and most recently a triple arthrodesis. I have a phenomenal Orthopedic Surgeon whom I have a ton of confidence in.

Here is my dilemma. I have been an extremely active executive, with an outstanding employer that has provided me a great deal of time for these procedure and recovery. However, this latest surgery has honestly made (in my opinion) walking much more difficult and pain much more extensive. I feel like I have been diligent in following all protocols and therapy. However, I am at a point where the foot problems are starting to have a significant negative impact on my mental health, and is starting to have a negative impact on my employment. I should also note that the pain is pretty darn extensive, and while medication does help some, I do not want to spend my life on narcotics.

Being an engineer, I have done a bit of self evaluation on how to “fix” the situation. I believe I have reached the point that I would prefer to have the foot completely amputated and move forward to live and function with a prosthesis. From all of my research, it appears that the current state of prosthetics offer a very high level of functionality and quality of life. I am not terribly fond of the notion of losing a portion of one of my limbs, but I believe that if it allows me to return a high level of functionality and better quality of life, it seems to be the correct end state to shoot for. I should note that I am most definitely not a person that has my self worth and self value tied up in body image, so I don’t believe that will have a significant level of impact on my long term mental health.

I would love any feedback and thoughts you all might have. I am not afraid to have this conversation with my surgeon, but I also don’t want to come off as a complete nut job if I do.

Thank you all in advance!

4296 day(s) ago

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Scott - this is not an easy decision. All the amputations I have been involved in are necessary to save a life (usually a diabetic non-healing ulcer with infection). I guess it all comes down to if you can manage the pain of your current situation and the impact that is having on your quality of life.

Posted 4296 days ago

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4295 day(s) ago
First, thank you so much for taking the time to post a response.

You hit the nail on the head, it is totally a quality of life issue for me, in no way do I feel that it is physically life threatening.

That being said, I am blessed beyond compare to have a job that most would kill for. However, that job requires me to be heavily on the move on airplanes and visiting many various cities. Given that I have gone through two years of on again off again limited mobility (even with taking my knee walker and hiring a driver wherever I go), it does come down to the ability to maintain that pace and this my employment.

What I am really curious about is if you all think my Doctor, who is absolutely a gem, is going to think I have slipped off my rocker for talking to him about what I am thinking?

Thanks again for your time!

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