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Can ligaments healed wrong be corrected with surgery?

To start, I was born with a severe club foot. I have had many surgeries to have it correct to live a normal, active life with orthotics. I am 45. This past July I went to Northern England and did some running in the hills. It hurt, but the pain subsided and I did it again, and again... I knew it was not the smart thing to do at the time, but I figured it will always heal. When I got home I did some more damage carrying heavy things up and down a lot of stairs. I went to the doc the next day and he said it was fractured. I wore a boot for two weeks, then questioned that diagnosis. I went back to a different doctor and he said it wasn't fractured and I could go on as usual. I still felt random pains. I was able to run on it and it didn't hurt terribly, so that tempted me to hit the tennis courts. That was a mistake. That sent me back to the doc in December. I was referred to podiatry. Then I was given a cortisone shot as a trouble-shooting move. That didn't work. Two weeks later I was back only to hear the damage is done and my foot healed wrong. The ligaments were pulled away and that's how they healed. No more tennis - that was a heartbreaker. He said I can still run, just take Motrin and ice after. He said I won't hurt it more. Tennis, it will. That makes sense to me. No sprinting and jumping. He offered fusing it, but that would make me really limited and he didn't think I should either. It was already fused some from the initial correcting of my foot. My question is, am I really doomed with permanent pain and limited sports? I'm having a hard time accepting this.

4420 day(s) ago

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My best advice is to get to see a physiotherapist who is very experienced in soft tissue mobilization. The type of problem you are describing are often very responsive to manipulation and mobilization.

Posted 4420 days ago

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