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Can you have congenital vertical talus without rocker-bottom symptoms ?

In 2001 I was told I had an "inverted talus" by an orthopaedic surgeon. I have had it since birth. As I was 33 at the time he said it was too late to correct with surgery. I have done some extensive research on the internet and think that an "inverted talus" is the same as a "vertical talus".... is this correct?
The reason I am confused is that I have NO rocker-bottome symptoms - the bottome of my foot is completely flat and very wide and my ankle is huge and swollen looking. I cannot bend my foot or point my toes at all and get bad foot and ankle pain when stand or walk for too long. This is generally an ache and acute stabbing pain if I have been on my feet for a very long time.
My question is, without the "rocker-bottom" symptom do I have "congenital vertical talus" or something else? Is it too late to correct with surgery?

5258 day(s) ago

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I not actually sure what your surgeon means by "inverted talus". Its not a 'diagnosis' that I have heard off. If you search the web for it, you will find nothing on it. You really need to get back to them to find out what they meant. An inverted position is different to vertical, so not sure if he did mean congenital vertical talus or not. Every one I have seen with that did have a rocker bottom type foot, so suscpect that is not teh case. I really think you need to get them to clarify exactly what they meant by "inverted talus"

Posted 5249 days ago

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