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A question about gout relief?

My husband has gout and nothing the doctors give him works in fact the steroids they give him makes his entire body feel awful to the point he can't even move.
If you have gout and know of anything that will take it away without painful side effects would you please refer it to me so I can help my husband?


5666 day(s) ago

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Best Answer

I found these resources for you:

Gout (ePodiatry)
The Latest on Gout (Podiatry Arena)

5661 day ago

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My mom had gout, went to the dr. too, didn't help. One thing that did help her, believe it or not, was eating fresh cherries. We read about that in a medical book, sorry I can't remember why it was supposed to help, but it did help her. Hope he feels better soon, I know it is painful.

Posted 5666 days ago

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Fellow gout sufferer here. There's a ton of people that get gout and just are not sure what to do. So here's my information that I've learned in 11 years of fighting gout, and I seem to be getting it under control.

Best website I’ve found so far:

For gout attacks, indomethacine and/ or colchicine. You'll need scripts from your dr. for these.

For the rest of your life, have the hub do these things: drink lots of water, 1 oz for every 2 lbs of body weight, each day. Once or twice a day, sip on 8 oz of water mixed with 1/2 tsp of baking soda. Helps the body be more alkaline (opposite of acidic) and get rid of uric acid.

Take allopurinol every day. Very inexpensive and no side effects, you’ll need a script for this. Helps the body get rid of uric acid.

Take celery seed pills. These may help the liver not to create so much uric acid. For diet, stay away from things that dehydrate the body, like beer and coffee. Don't eat organ meats, high fructose corn syrup. Avoid beer; red wine occasionally is ok. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, sour cream, plain yogurt in smoothies mixed with orange juice and fruit. Drink fruit juices that are 100% juice, V8 VFusion is my favorite, it comes in many flavors.

Educate yourself on foods that are high in purines, avoid these foods as the body turns purines into uric acid.

Good luck to you!

Posted 5666 days ago

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Have you tried any natural remedies - such as eating cherries, epsom baths, celery root? Also - how is his current diet? He should stop eating all foods rich in purines (meats, seafood, etc.) until the gout attack has subsided.

Posted 5666 days ago

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