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How bad would you rate this flat foot condition?

I have flat feet. When I get out of the pool, my foot is completely flat. I am not exaggerating. It looks like a flipper. I pulled a tendon in my foot which lead me to the podiatrist. He said I have really bad flat feet and when I walk I over-pronate(my foot rolls inwards). I got custom made orthotics. They had to be soft because the hard ones put me in soo much pain it hurt to walk. My toes crack every time I move them. The doctor was very concerned about this and ordered an x-ray to see about cartilage shortage. The cartilage was fine. He said that once I start to wear the orthotics it will get better. I had the orthotics for over a year and they still crack badly. They dont hurt when they crack. Also, I have suffered from shin splints for about 6 years now and they are reduced but every once in a while I get them. I cant wear a shoe without my orthotics or my foot rolls to much inward. Does that mean I am going to have to wear these orthotics the rest of my life? Is there anything else I can do? Why do my toes crack? Its only my big toes by the way. I am a 14 year old female. Thanks in advanced...

5667 day(s) ago

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I hope I can help. I was told I had flat feet and they made me lifts. They alway felt funny and I didn't like to wear them but tried. Now I don't wear them at all and I have an arch in my foot and it was fairly simple to do. I had my foot in my lap and I pressed in real hard on the bottom of it, right in front of the heel in the arch area. Use both hand, I pushed in with my thumbs real hard and then hold the pressure on. Now relax your body, take a deep breath and exhale, and don't tense up your body. In about 30 seconds you should something happen. like a pull in your foot. Then move both thumbs to the front of the arch area, right behind the bone area and press in again, do the relax and wait 30 seconds again. Then do it right in the middle of the arch once more.
For your shin spints, go to your leg above the ball where the leg is the narrowest adn press your fingers in between the two bones in the front of your leg. With your other hand wrap it around the leg so that the fingers are hooked around the back of the outside bone. Press in with your fingers in the middle and pull up into the back of the bone with your other hand and hold tight. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don't tense up any part of your body. Aftert 30 seconds slowly extend your toes downward until fully extended. Release the pressure and hold your foot there for one minute. I hope that helps. If any questions, let me know I will try to help.

Posted 5667 days ago

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I can help correct your flat feet so the problems associated with them don't worsen or you develop others through the years. You'd only need to do various exercises for a short amount of time (and, yes, it's free.) I've had success in correcting the condition in correcting the condition in several people thus far! Email me, for additional details.

Posted 5667 days ago

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