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I have a knob on the bottom of each foot that hurts continually, I also have plantar fasciitis on both feet,?

Could that knob have something to do with the plantar fasciities or is it totally not related? Also, can anyone recomend the best treatment for the plantar fasciitis, I have tried everything, from, nite splints, standind on a elevated board, cortizone shots, rolling it on a cold can, ect. Nothing seems to help and it hurts and I walk funny due to the pain and then throw my body out of whack!!!!

5666 day(s) ago

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Suzy, I don't know what the knobs on the bottom of your feet are without seeing them or having a better description of them. As for the plantar fasciitis all you have to do is these exercises and it will go away. Lie on your back or assume a long sitting position and keep the legs out straight especially the knees. Have the muscles of the front of the feet pull the feet up towards the knees. The only action that should be taking place is at the ankles. There will be a pulling sensation in the muscles at the front of the lower leg and a stretching sensation in the calves. Hold that pull for ten seconds and then rest. Do that movement about five to ten times. Next squat fully down on the floor but the heels must remain in contact with the floor. If you have problems with maintaining this position just hold onto something until you gain enough strength in the legs to hold this position. Stay in that position for about thirty seconds and then get up slowly. These exercises should be done right before you go to bed at night and right after awaking in the morning. Doing these two movements will stop the pain and allow you to resume normal activities but if you stop doing them it will return.

Posted 5666 days ago

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