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Please take ur time to read it all! I REALLY need ur help!?

Hey! first of all I have to tell that Im 18 and I have never had a boyfriend (which means I have never been kissed), and I also got to say that in general people dont believe me and find that really weird, and might think I have a problem or smth, cuz they say Im really pretty and all, so how could noone ever ask me to go out with them! Of course they did but I just never liked someone that much and I dont know, I was always looking for smth serious so Im waiting for the right one =). Yeah I know might sound kinda stupid, but Im kinda complicated anywayss! Well whatever! There's this guy I met 2 years ago in my summer holiday. It was the first and only time I saw him "live" and we didnt really had time to talk, so he just asked me for my email address. He lives in another country than mine so we've been talkin online since two years now , just seeing each other on web cam sometimes (while these 2 years, there were times when we didnt talked for months, cuz often we used to block each other on msn,lol,cuz

5666 day(s) ago

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You spelt 'bla' wrong

Posted 5666 days ago

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Dear friend nevermin,
Continue to be good friends without hurting each other in your lifetime on the earth.

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. (Holy Bible Colossians 3:20)

A man and a woman when grown of full age, have the right to marry and to create the human family bearing children respecting their own human parents both father and mother. Marriage should be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses of full age from the opposite sex. The family with a husband and wife is the natural and fundamental group unit of the human society into generations of mankind on the earth.

Posted 5666 days ago

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babe. go to where he lives. If you arent meant for each other and you arent right for each other, its impossible to fall in love with him :) Dont worry

Posted 5666 days ago

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You are being dumb. You can not shoot him down before you even give him a chance. You need to quit saying he is not want you want because if that was true, you wouldn't have wrote this long a$$ story. Now, go to his country and GET YO" MAN!

Posted 5666 days ago

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Wow that was a really long question =)

I think you should go and see how things turn out.

You say that he's not your type and you don't wanna fall in love with him but you really like him. This whole 'type' thing shouldn't come into it. If you like him, you like him. It might be a sort of chalk and cheese relationship but it works.

Just see how it goes and if you feel comfortable, maybe you'll be lucky and it'll progress easily and you'll both be happy.

Posted 5666 days ago

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Wow that was long lol but worth it. I mean it's always hard for a longdistance relationship to work. (personal experience). I mean I get that you see that you two are complete opposites but then again opposites attract. I mean in my relationship I'm the one who had other relationships and my boyfriend is the one that has only ever had one girlfriend, me. I have to say when I first thought about who I'm going to kiss and stuff I felt the same way you do. I want to save it for the one person that I want and will spend the rest of my life with. Of course, that didn't happen. Not that I gave up but I thought I felt that way with one of my boyfriends. But after a while I broke up with him because I finally knew and saw that there is no way I could stay with this guy for the rest of my life. So there goes that. I mean people change and saving your first kiss is an important thing but if you like this guy and is flying to another country to see him it must mean there is something. I mean you say you guys are more just friends now then back then but that can change when you do visit him. A crush can turn into like then really like then eventually love. I didn't even like my current boyfriend when we met. We litterally HATED each other's guts lol. But now we look back and laugh at it. We've been together for 20 months and he lives 2,000 miles away from me. And now I'm moving in with him so see things can happen but I wish you luck but you know you should just try and see what happens. In life there will always be heartbreaks that is unavoidable. Goodluck :)

Posted 5666 days ago

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Well you have to simplify to two choices:
1. Have a summer fling filled with fun and laughter then cry for a week and get over it..
2. Stay friends just as you are.

Well dont over think it time to stop thinking and start living whatever happens. Why not just catch up and see what happens maby something maby nothing - easy see.

Posted 5666 days ago

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go and enjoy by your summer holiday with him and try to make red lines at your first meeting with him until you know how is he thought and what is his fact in reality .. any way you will not lose any thing go and have a happy holiday

Posted 5666 days ago

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