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Bunions, or more accurately, hallux valgus or hallux abducto valgus comes in numerous shapes or forms. The problem is one of an enlargement of the big toe or hallux joint of the foot (bunion) and an pointing over of the great toe or hallux sideways in the direction of the lesser toes (abduction and valgus). They become sore as a consequence of arthritis like symptoms from the deviation of the great toe and also from pressure on the enlargement of the bunion from the shoe. They're one of the most common reasons for pain in the feet and are caused by a combination of inherited features, weak biomechanics together with shoe fitting problems. Whilst there are non-surgical treatments like pads, splints, adequate footwear fitting, exercises and pain relief medication that can be used, they cannot make the bunion go away or straighten the bunion over the longer term. Typically surgery is the only long term means to fix bunions or hallux valgus. Even then, unless the true cause of the problem had been attended to at the same time there is a risk that it may happen again.

There are many different joints and bones involved in the formation of bunions and each and every bunion is unique as differing degrees of each bone and joint are involved. Because of this the operative procedure should be directed at the bone or joint that is involved. If the great toe joint is just involved, then a basic chopping off the enlarged bone is all that is needed. If the angle of differing bones are a issue, then a V needs to be taken out of the bone and the bone reset. There are plenty of different approaches to carrying out that and it has been claimed that this problem has more operative techniques for it in comparison to all other disorders!

The Austin bunionectomy is just one type of surgery. This procedure consists of removing the enlargement of bone and taking a wedge out of the head of the 1st metatarsal to reposition it and maintain it in position with a screw so that it can heal. A special shoe or boot will have to be used throughout the first few weeks following an Austin and come back to your regular footwear after about 4 weeks. It normally takes about 8 weeks to get back to full activity levels after this procedure.

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